Full Name: Emma Louise Uniacke Nicknames: Noonies, Noonie Nakers, Em, BamBamsGurlMoo,
Bam Margeras Love Bunny Birthdate: 24/11/1983 Current home: Portland Marital: Single...... Although some wish otherwise Sign:
Sagitarius Hair: Dark Blonde with light Blonde Streaks
Eyes: Blue
Height: 210cms Body Art: None... i chickened out Pets: 1 Dog Molly,
2 Cats DJ and Hunter, Fish Family: Mum, Dad, 3 Brothers, 1 sister in law, 1 nephew Occupations: Currently at KFC as
a customer service representative Interests & Hobbies: The net, listening to music, shopping, Chatting to friends,
Anything Bam related, Watching Wrestling Collects: Anything to do with BAM and wrestling Magazines Heroes: Bam Margera,
John Cena, Lita and Chyna from WWE, My Friends and Family. Hates: Racists, People who think they are ugly, People who judge
others. (Watch Mean Girls theres an awsome line "Calling some1 fat doesnt make you any skinnier, Call some1 Ugly doesn't make
you any prettier" Likes: Music, Skating, shopping, Going on the net, Talking to friends, Bam and John Cena Righty or
Lefty: Righty! F A V O R I T E S Foods: Chocolate, Chicken, Cheesecake
Movies: Haggard, all CKY's, Jackass, School of rock, Grind, Grease 2........ Place: I
wanna go to West Cheaster PA! Place I've Been To My Brothers.. Skaters: Bam Margera, Buckey Lasek, Tony hawk,
Jason Ellis, Colt Cannon and Tosh Townsend.
Drink: Tequila or Diet Vanilla Coke
Car: Hummer Bands: Well Obviously HIM and CKY if u wanna know others just ask.
for checking out the site Love ya All