Real Name: Brandon Cole Margera
Nicknames: Bam, Bam Bam, and Scumbag
Home: Glenn Mills. PA
Birthday: 28th
September 1979
Marital: Fiancee: Jenn
Sign: Libra
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Height: 5' 9"
Body Art: has a heart tattooed on his right wrist, and the heartagram valo tattoo on his lower abdomen, Holy Mother
on outside of left bicep, 3 skulls with roses under the Mother, Razorblade on inside of left bicep, Cosmic Pope on inside
of left forearm, Gothic Heartagram design down right side from under arm to waist
Pets: Captin (dog), Cat
Family: Jess, Phil, April
Occupations: Pro Skateboarder, Producer, Writer
and actor for CKY movies
Drinks: of course
Heroes: Ville Valo ("hero" is definitely an understatement)
Hates: the airport scenario, Todd Swank
Likes: S4 & A4, Hoof's gear, FDR park
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Cars: S4 and A4, Hummer, Mercedes SMG55
Sponsors: Element Wood and Thread, Adio, Electric, Fairmans, Jone's Soda, Odessa Wristwear,
HSC+ Mailorder, Utility Board Supply, Speed Metal Bearings, Destructo Trucks, Clive Bags, Consolidated Blankets
Bands: HIM, CKY, death metal
Foods: Toasted everything, bagel with Mayo, lettuce,
& tomato
Movies: Good Will Hunting, Mallrats, Lost Boys,
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Skaters: Boulala,
Kerry Getz, Mike Maldonado, Penny, Arto Saari, and Hoofbite