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Jess' Bio


Full Name: Jess Margera
Nicknames: Jethyll Tull, Jess Jess, Jess Jess Idiot, Bubba
Birthdate: August 28, 1978
Age: 24
Marital: Girlfriend: Janine
Born: Media, PA
Current home: Glenn Mills, PA
Sign: Virgo
Element: Earth
Chinese Sign: The Horse
Chinese Element: Earth
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Height: 6' 3"
Body Art: none, but "I had a keyring pierced to my ballsack back in '86"
Pets: 17 year old cat with no name
Education: addition, subtraction, division and even some multiplication sometimes
Family: Bam Bam Idiot, Phil, Ape
Interests & Hobbies: "Me and Rake Yohn like to find the problem and solve it"
Occupations: CKY Drummer
Collects: Albums and movies
Bad Habits: the pipe
Good Habits: always flushing the shitter
Drink: yes, Absolut and sour mix
Heros: George Carlin
Rivals: Janine's dog Sonny
Hates: people from Honeybrook, the band when not on medication, dance clubs and people in them.
Likes: playing a show with lots of energy and good sound

Best feeling in the world: Accomplishment
Worst feeling in the world: Death
Pet Peeves: Deron's pet pees on the carpet alot
Righty or Lefty: Righty
What are you afraid of, biggest fear?: "Waking up in a bath tub filled with my own blood"
What is your biggest regret?: filling out this long ass list of questions
If you could bring 5 people back from the dead who would they be?: Elvis, my cat that got ran over 15 years ago, Easy E, and thats it
If you could send 5 people to hell who would you take?: the members of the band Everclear
What was your worst accident?: I broke my wrist in half when I was 13
do you still watch cartoons?: no new ones, only from the 50s and 60s
What was the first record you owned (bought for you)?: either 'Back In Black' or 'Physical Graffiti

Bands: Clutch, The Bakerton Group, Bill Hicks, George Carlin
Colors: don't know
Foods: blackened chicken quesidilla, swordfish, McDonalds breakfast, grilled cheese & tomato soup
TV Show: "I hate tv"
Band To See Live: Pink Floyd
Movies: John Landis Movies are OK, Christopher Guest movies and pretty much anything Bill Murray is in.
Animal: "I think it would be pretty rad to own a tiger or a lion that doesn't kill people. He just chills at your house"
Drink "Cranberry juice is good for your liver and kidneys. Drink it unless you want to piss out a rock one day."
non-alcoholic: Cranberry juice with Vodka
alcoholic: just regular cranberry juice
Book: Brain Droppings
Music Movie: This is Spinal Tap
Season: October in Philadelphia
Holiday: Halloween in Philadelphia
Videogame: Tetris for Gameboy (on the plane)
Stores: Tower, Best Buy, Wherehouse
Part of the Day: late night
Sport: Pool
Candy: Nerds (GRAPE!), Twix
Best Friends: Cast/Crew/Band
Fast food restaurant: Taco Bell
School Subject: skipping
Childhood Memory: Super Mario 2
Board Games: Monopoly with real money
CD: The best of Clutch
Magazine: Big Brother, Terrorizer
Cereal: Lucky Charms
