Full Name: Chad I Ginsburg Nicknames: Chadah,
CIG, Chadest Birthdate: April 24, 1972 Write to him at... CHAD I GINSBURG P.O BOX 2484 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA.
92647 USA Hair: dark brown Eyes: brown Piercings: nose Hometown: Pennsylvania Current home: Huntington
Beach, CA Occupations: CKY Guitarist, Backing Vocals, Producer
USELESS STUFF Star Sign: Taurus Element:
Earth Chinese Sign: The Eastern Rat Chinese Element: Water Righty or Lefty: Righty
& Hobbies: playing & producing music Idols: "Myself" Bands: Mr. Bungle, Ween, GG Allin Movies: "Hated"
- GG Allin Actors: Ben Stiller Drink: He loves his fags and jim gleam/jack daniels
EVERYTHING ELSE The I in Chad I Ginsburg stands for 'Individual' Hates: Deron while
at the recording studio Earlier Bands: Rudy & Blitz Music Background: been playing guitar since 1981, played drums
at first until the age of nine. Bitch Toss: Stolen from Cinderella in 1983 but reversed. From 1999-2003 so many bands
tried their best to copy it, causing it to lose it's novelty. So Chad retired it. However, he still does it all the time so
A LITTLE BACKGROUND INFOMATION ~Chad first started mixing
and messing around with sounds when he was 5 on a shitty audio recorder bought by his dad
"we used to record ourselves
doing Dracula's voice "I vant to suck your blood" I started recording and writing songs at around 6 years old with my friend
Hugh, he had a Donnie and Marie FM/wireless microphone kit, and he didnt know how it worked..so I put it together..I think
that was my first technical thing...then Hugh and I started recording our songs on a standard tape recorder (now on a "box")"
~ quote taken from best of ask cky ~his first band was called Death One ~his girlfriend's name is Jina and she was
the one who introduced Chad to Vern ~Chad answers a majority of the questions on Ask CKY ~his sister is called Blake